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November 2021    Volume 2 Issue 11
Health Law Connections

Young Professionals—You've Managed to Survive, But How Do You Thrive at a New Practice?

  • November 01, 2021
  • Brianna R. Powell , Bass Berry & Sims PLC

One of the best pieces of advice I have received as a young professional is that being good at your job is only a prerequisite for keeping your job. For 2021 graduates and other professionals who have recently transitioned to new positions, by now you have probably figured out enough about the basics of your new job to keep your head above water—your colleagues’ names, how work is allocated, navigating your organization’s electronic filing system, and expectations surrounding work product. But to succeed at your job, you should always look for ways to rise above the status quo. Here are a few tips to jump start your career at a new organization:


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