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May 2021    Volume 2 Issue 5
Health Law Connections

Young Professionals—Pandemic Pivot: What I Learned from Changing Jobs During COVID-19

  • May 01, 2021
  • Mara I. Smith , Bristol Myers Squibb

It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has made day-to-day life more stressful. Career shifts also tend to add a layer of stress to any circumstance. Despite knowing this, last year I decided to test my challenge-seeking proclivities and started a new job at a new company during a pandemic. While I knew that this job opportunity offered me the type of role I had dreamed of since starting my career, I recognized the novelty of navigating this situation. Amid a hyper-stressful 2020, I anticipated that this transition would present me with numerous challenges, but I failed to appreciate the positive experiences I might also encounter along the way. Although the last ten months taught me many things, this article highlights the lessons that most impacted my understanding of lawyering and leadership.


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