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December 02, 2022
Health Law Weekly

State AGs Urge Apple to Improve App Privacy Measures for Reproductive Health Data

  • December 02, 2022

Ten state attorneys general (AGs) are raising concerns that third-party apps available through Apple Inc.’s App Store do not keep pace with the company’s more rigorous privacy and security measures leaving sensitive reproductive health data vulnerable, according to a November 21 letter.

The AGs urged Apple “to ensure that the apps on its App Store meet the privacy standards necessary to protect against the misuse of private reproductive health data.”

While Apple’s privacy and security measures include, for example, automatically encrypting Apple Health data, and controls that allow consumers to limit apps’ access to certain sensitive information, third-party apps often don’t follow those standards, according to the letter.

The letter asks Apple to require app developers to implement the following measures:

  • Delete non-essential information such as location history, search history, and any other related data of consumers seeking reproductive health care;
  • Clearly notify consumers that apps may disclose reproductive health data to third parties and require apps to only do so when required by a valid subpoena, search warrant, or court order; and
  • Implement at least the same privacy and security standards as Apple.

“Consumers cannot trust Apple’s privacy promises if applications on the App Store are not required to take active measures to protect this sensitive health data,” the AGs said.