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August 31, 2022   

CMS Request for Information Regarding MA Program Access and Provider Network Adequacy, Star Measures, and Plan Designs to Improve Quality and Health Equity

This Briefing is brought to you by AHLA’s Payers, Plans, and Managed Care Practice Group.
  • August 31, 2022
  • Whitney Dockrey , Christensen Law Group PLLC

August 31 is the final day to contribute comments for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Request for Information due by 11:59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, providing stakeholders an opportunity to share how CMS can continue to strengthen the Medicare Advantage (MA) program. The American Health Law Association’s Payers, Plans, and Managed Care Practice Group previously published a broad overview of the RFI. Since increasing access and improving quality of care requires availability of providers in addition to robust, evidence-based measurement and evaluation strategies, this briefing largely focuses on CMS’ requests for feedback related to opportunities to improve the MA program through provider network adequacy requirements, Star measures and supplemental benefits, and increased data collection and sharing to inform evidence-based programs and measures to improve member health and increase enrollment to help CMS and plans maximize opportunities to deliver safe, effective, and efficient care to members.


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