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Exceptional Presentations: An AHLA Speaker Training
Exceptional Presentations: An AHLA Speaker Training
June 25, 2023 | San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA
June 25, 2023 | San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA

About the Training

The American Health Law Association (AHLA) has partnered with Baker Communications, Inc. (BCI) to launch the Exceptional Presentation class to help you overcome common presentation pitfalls and achieve your next level of excellence.

We learn by doing. During this highly interactive training, you will practice what you learn by applying techniques to real-world situations and presentations. You will also have the opportunity to enhance your presentation skills through self-evaluation and peer/facilitator feedback. By the end of the workshop, you will have the skills you need to deliver an exceptional presentation.
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Additional Education

Attend both programs and walk away better equipped than ever before to tackle the legal challenges we face today!

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Call for Program Speakers

Are you interested in speaking at an upcoming in-person or virtual program? Your experience and expertise can benefit your colleagues! 

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