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Safety Protocols

Duty of Care

AHLA considers the health and safety of all those onsite at in-person programs our top priority. During these challenging times, AHLA is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all of our in-person programs participants and staff. Although attendees should recognize that there is risk involved in attending, AHLA has adopted preventative measures to reduce the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus at our in-person programs in accordance with guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and our partnering hotels. AHLA staff have been trained, and will continue to train, in the knowledge necessary to monitor, enforce, and handle compliance with safety protocols and procedures.  

Our Duty of Care is a living document that will continue to evolve, incorporating innovative features that will further enhance the onsite experience and safety for everyone in attendance. We will also update this document as the CDC and/or state or local public health authorities’ guidance is updated or changed.

On-Site Attendee Experience 

AHLA has adopted a new, onsite registration system, which allows for seamless, touchless check-in, and onsite badge printing. Attendees will be given a personal QR code to use for registration check-in. AHLA will provide plenty of check-in kiosks arranged so that attendees can be socially distanced, appropriate signage, and extra time during the program for registration in order to keep crowds to a minimum. Additionally, AHLA has implemented a new process for tracking attendance for continuing education purposes. Attendees will have their badges scanned as they enter and exit sessions and continuing education credits will be calculated. There is no longer a need to sign in and out of rooms or complete a request form.

Extended breaks between sessions allow AHLA staff and hotel staff time to refresh rooms, including cleaning microphones and other equipment used by speakers. The extra time also reduces crowding as attendees leave and enter session rooms, restrooms, and other public areas.

Seating in session rooms will be set to allow attendees to social distance, if desired, and safety supplies, including a masks, individual hand sanitizer, wipes, and pens will be available.  

Personal Accountability Commitment and Code of Conduct 

By attending any of AHLA’s in-person programs, you agree to abide by and engage in certain health-and-safety-beneficial conduct while attending the program. All attendees are expected to comply with all applicable requirements imposed by federal, state, or local health authorities for the locality in which the in-person program is taking place, and in addition to our Code of Conduct, are expected to adhere to and abide by the safety precautions AHLA has implemented to protect against the spread of COVID-19 such as:

  • Proof of vaccination (two injections of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) OR a negative PCR test within 72 hours of the program is required for all attendees (Attendees will receive information on vaccine verification that is done using the CLEAR app.)
  • Social distancing as space allows based on attendance
  • Personal hygiene and hand sanitization 
  • Adherence to pathway signage
  • Self-monitoring and self-reporting

Based on guidance from the CDC, AHLA is not currently requiring attendees to wear masks unless there is a local mask mandate in place. This policy is subject to change if federal or state guidance changes. We encourage those attendees who are at increased risk for illness or live with or spend time with someone at higher risk to wear a mask.

You should not attend an AHLA in-person program if you are experiencing, or within the 10 days prior to the program have experienced, symptoms associated with the flu or COVID-19. You also should not attend if you believe that you may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for your treatment. In addition, attendees should self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and are asked to contact AHLA at [email protected] if they experience symptoms of COVID-19 within 10 days after participating in an in-person program. Any private health or personal data that may be received by AHLA in connection with such measures and precautions will be treated as confidentially as possible.

Conference Accessibility and Special Needs

AHLA is committed to ensuring equitable access to our educational content. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and offering accessibility accommodations for our in-person conferences.

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