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Frequently Asked Questions - Demographics

Why should I provide my demographic information?
Providing your demographic information allows AHLA to better tailor its programs and services. It enables the Association to monitor its progress in being representative of the health law bar among the membership and leadership. Reporting on our progress also holds leadership and staff accountable for identifying and eliminating barriers to meaningful participation.

AHLA benchmarks and monitors this data on a continual basis so that we have an understanding about the diversity of our community. We actively practice inclusion with a goal of ensuring that all members can draw on the many riches that AHLA offers through its educational programming, publishing, and volunteer and leadership opportunities.

AHLA invests in diversity and inclusion for several reasons. The bottom line, it’s the right thing to do. Advancing the Association’s DEI initiatives and programs provides legitimacy to our mission statement. Such efforts, while not connected to the bottom line, reflects how the Association views its role in supporting the health law profession. Our desire to draw in a diverse membership and bring necessary and knowledgeable new voices into conversations results in enhanced quality and better decision-making. A diverse volunteer and leadership pool and a diverse membership overall also ensures that the direction of the organization will reflect its membership into the future.

Who does AHLA collect demographic information from?
AHLA currently collects self-identification-based data from the membership.

What demographic information does AHLA currently collect?
The Association provides an opportunity for members to provide information related to their race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability status, and Veteran status.

In addition, AHLA now also provides a field for members to indicate their pronouns for the membership directory if they so desire. We believe AHLA has a responsibility to create an environment of inclusivity and safety in our workplace and our communities and this is a way we can express our commitment to be an inclusive organization.

How and when does AHLA collect demographic information?
Relevant demographic data is collected on the initial membership application when joining online. AHLA seeks to incorporate demographic collection in other ways as well, including members being able to add to or update their demographic information through their myAHLA portal. AHLA’s Call for Leaders and Call for Volunteers also provides an opportunity for members to provide their demographic information.

What is the data used for?
A compilation of overall percentage by category is shared with the AHLA membership, e.g., ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability status, and Veteran status.

What happens if I do not wish to self-identify or provide my demographic data?
Members can indicate that they do not wish to self-identify or prefer not to answer a question in the demographic profile and can do so for any or all the questions.

How is the data secured?
The Association strives to be transparent in how and why members sharing demographic information is beneficial. Members’ responses remain private and confidential in their AHLA record. The Association reports on the data at an aggregate level only to further advance our overall diversity and inclusion initiatives. AHLA will never provide or rent this information to a third-party and requests to use members’ demographic information internally or by leadership are reviewed by AHLA’s Membership Vice President to ensure that the business processes of the Association support the promise that we’ve made to members.

How can I update my demographic information?
Members can log into AHLA and click on their name in the upper right-hand corner. A drop down will appear, and members can click on ‘myAHLA Portal’ or on ‘My Profile.’

Once in ‘My Profile,’ members click on ‘My Demographics’ and can complete the questions through a series of drop-down menus. If desired, a member can select ‘Prefer not to answer this question/do not wish to self-identify.’