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President-Elect Designate Selection Process

AHLA administers an annual Call for President-Elect Designate (PED). Anyone who wants to be considered as a candidate for PED must apply by completing and submitting an application. All applications will be evaluated using the same criteria.

Staff will send survey to the current Board of Directors asking them to identify individuals who should be considered for nomination for the PED.

Staff will create a list that:

  1. Includes those individuals contacted and interested in being considered from the junior, senior, and immediate past classes of the Board of Directors.
  2. Includes any additional individuals outside those groups whose names are mentioned in the survey.

All individuals interested in being considered will be required to complete and return the PED online application. In addition, candidates will also be asked to answer the designated PED questions along with their contact and demographic information. The completed applications will be compiled by staff and will:

  1. Be de-identified and forwarded to each member of the Nominating Committee along with the scoring rubric. Each member will independently score the applications.
    1. The Nominating Committee members will complete the rubric and send it to the staff liaison.
    2. The staff liaison will compile the scoring rubrics (average = total of points issued by each evaluator, added together, then divided by the number of evaluators). Each scoring rubric will be weighed equally, i.e., specific Nominating Committee members scores will not be weighted more than another committee member.
      1. Staff will NOT share the names of the Nominating Committee members in relationship to his/her individual scores. Rather, just the scores and averages will be shared, with the names of the Nominating Committee members being de-identified.
    3. Staff will share the information with the Nominating Committee who will then discuss and narrow down the list to the top candidates. Information provided to the Nominating Committee will include the following:
      1. Gender | Age | Race | Ethnicity | Sexual Orientation | Disability status | Veteran status | Veteran status
      2. Geographic location (state/region) | Professional category | Workplace setting | Primary Practice Area
    4. The de-identified applications for the top candidates and the scoring rubric will be sent to the Board and Senior Staff. Upon completion, they will return their rubrics to staff.
    5. Staff will average the scores and share the information with the Nominating Committee who will then discuss and select the final slate.
    6. The PED nominee chosen by the Nominating Committee will be sent to the Board for approval.

The candidate selected will receive a phone call from the President, immediately following the Nominating Committee’s decision. All applicants, who were not selected will also be notified by the President.

After the Board has voted on the slate of new leaders, the Board of Directors will review the revised nomination process and assess whether the nomination process was more transparent, whether the process was effective in increasing diversity, and whether any changes should be made for the following year.


The general timeline below will be followed each year:

  • November - Survey sent to the Board to solicit PED names. The President also reaches out to the senior, junior and immediate past Board classes to determine interest.
  • December - Deadline for PED candidates to return their application. Staff liaison compiles applications. Sends to Nominating Committee with the rubric.
  • January - Staff liaison collects scores, compiles averages. Nominating Committee meets, receives scores, and narrows list.
  • January/Feb - Board and senior staff receive applications of top applicants scores using rubric, returns to the staff liaison. Applications will be de-identified. Names will either be sent as a separate list with the rubric or after completion of the scoring for comments related to leadership and communication skills and abilities of the candidates; the comments will be submitted to the Nominating Committee for their consideration.
  • March - Nominating Committee meets, receives Board and senior staff scores and comments, and determines final slate.
  • April - Staff send slate to the Board for voting/approval.
  • April/May - Announcement made to the membership.
  • June - Board reviews the process to determine if changes are needed.